Thursday 13th 2025f March 2025 11:57:48 PM  
      Inphusion is a PHP Development framework that provides object persistence, an interface widgets library, templating system and a lot more...
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› Object Architecture › Data Trees › Interface Widgets › Themes and Templates › G E M S
This site design is from a template called Sinorca from OSWD.

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Themes and Templates

Inphusion includes a simple themes and templates system. Themes apply to an entire site, templates apply to a specific page within the site. In keeping with the framework's object architecture, the application itself is an object! Which theme and template to use is defined as attributes of the application object. The same chained constructors workaround used to instantiate an object is used to allow the output chain to be built, like this:

CApp_Proto Base file - defined in Inphusion
CAppThemed_Proto extends CApp_Proto Base file - defined in Inphusion - adds sitewide themeing facilities
CAppThemed extends CAppThemed_Proto Theme file - defined by developer - applies to entire site
CAppTemplated_Proto extends CAppThemed Base file - defined in Inphusion - adds individual page template facilities
CAppTemplated extends CAppTemplated_Proto Template file - defined by developer - applies to a single page or type of page

I can't be bothered to say anything more about this now since this is irrelevant to PlusNet for now... basically the _Proto files define interfaces which an application can call to write data into regions on a page... some parts of these are overridden by the theme and template files... etc...